What Can I do If My Pet Has Anxiety?

Pet mental health challenges have been on the rise over the past decade, with nearly 75% of dogs in the U.S. experiencing some form of anxiety, and about 20% of cats affected as well. Anxiety in dogs and cats is a state of excessive nervousness or fear often triggered by specific stressors like separation, loud noises, or changes in their environment. This widespread issue impacts a large number of pet parents, leaving them searching for solutions to alleviate their beloved pets’ distress. If your pet is suffering from anxiety, you might feel overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are numerous safe and natural options available to help your furry friend. To better understand how to assist our beloved pets, read more advice from Petworks Member & Pet Health Coach Jody L. Teiche…

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  • Jody L. Teiche

    Jody L. Teiche is a Pet Health Expert and Coach. She helps pet parents naturally solve health challenges in their dogs and cats, so they can avoid pharmaceutical drugs, and have healthier, more energetic pets. One of her specialties is Pet Anxiety. Her podcast, called The Hound Healer, is heard on PetLifeRadio.com, as well as all other major podcast platforms.

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Author: Jody L. Teiche

Jody L. Teiche is a Pet Health Expert and Coach. She helps pet parents naturally solve health challenges in their dogs and cats, so they can avoid pharmaceutical drugs, and have healthier, more energetic pets. One of her specialties is Pet Anxiety. Her podcast, called The Hound Healer, is heard on PetLifeRadio.com, as well as all other major podcast platforms.